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здоровье миРАЖУРНАЛ ВСЕМИРНОЙ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ • ОКТЯБРЬ-НОЯБРЬ 1973 —--Щ—Щ-—| iDia Mundial da Saiide: Os Olhos HEA To counter mental illness: SCIENCE МАЛЯРИЯ
drogas | Содержание Глядя назад.....................3 Медицинские бригады в Конго..........4 Фатер Рейн.....................8 Вода — это жизнь................14 Одиночество среди толпы ...........20 Алкоголизм — это болезнь...........24 Охрана здоровья моряков ...........30 Журнал «Здоровье мира» издается на английском, арабском, испанском, немецком, португальском, русском, францусском и хинди языках. Статьи из журнала «Здоровье мира» могут быть воспроизведены без предварительного разрешения, но с указанием источника. Подписанные статьи не всегда отражают точку зрения ВОЗ. Францусский оригинал данного номера журнала вышел в свет в июле — августе 1973 года. ЗДОРОВЬЕ Мира wwm аомитой тмтнт* тжк»тют><ж1тж*юю»ь 197$ УCKID HEALTH ORGANIZATION WM NEWSLETTER Genevr, September ”... Our whole ccnoopt of competitive «urvtv-al la obsolete. We have no alternative to oollectlve eulolde but getting along with each other, It 1* Important that we reoog-nlie this fact now, before It !» to® late,,. We must live. If we are to,live at oil, irtth all the peoples of the world." NEW DISCOVERY bXILCTED TO INCREASE INSULIN SUHLY IROGRESS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE "WHITE t LAGUE" Tremendous interest has been aroused throughout the world as a result of the disclosure and endorsement last month fcy the World Health Organization of a new German-discovered process by whioh the present world shortage of insulin may be alleviatede Insulin, a hormone extracted from the pancreas glands of animals and fish, is a vital weapon of modern medicine and is, among other things, indispensable to the treatment of diabetes. Briefly, the new method, developed by Dr. Fr. Lindner of the Farbwerke Hoechst, Frankfurt-am-Main, makes it possible to preserve insulin-yielding pancreas glands without the usual need for refrigeration at very low temperatures (-20 to -30 degrees Centigrade). In the Lindner method this is replaced by a comparatively simple proeess in which the glands are chemically dehydrated and can thus be stored or transported for several days at room temperature without damage. The ney method obviated the (cont’d on рД ) Other feature* In this leaue: ... WHO EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINO ... FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM IN HEALTH ... WHO RJCOIONAL OFFICE FOR SOUTHEAST ASIA ... FORTHC(MING CONFERENCES The largest single health campaign ever undertaken is now in progress under the aegis of the World Health Organization and the UN International Children's Emergency Fund. For the first time in history, tuberculocis - the white plague - is being combatted on an international scale Ly doctors, nurses and health workers, backed by first class laboratory and technical work and financed by a budget of between four and five million dollars. The drive is being carried out in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Fol-and, Hungary, Finland and other European countries» Asia, China and India are participating!- and the plan is soon to be extended to North Africa. The aim of -this campaign is to make children safe from tuberculosis fcy vac- -- cinating them with "BCG". Just as smallpox, diphtheria, f>.nd other ecourges have been virtually eliminated as wide-spread dangers through vaccination, so will tuberculosis be elim- (cont:d on p,5 ) ’ Thle material nay be queted er reprodueed. It le Issued by the WHO Publlo Information Office, whioh will supiljr additional feature «»t*rial on requeet. For teohnloal detalle of ИК0 aotlvlt**, eonJult Г.ДО teohnleal putllaatlona. о M s t,ib D INFORMATION BULLETIN Soi. turabre 1?48 India- psSjas-i?® n.,tiuna.I(}. II f ait nous oonyalncro do qt n. ooasltc uvxnt qu'll r.o eolt trop tard, v;ulone »ur/l'/re, 11 nous f-Ut appi ‘ ч lm pottles du mondo.' UN NOUVEAU PRG'JEDE FOUR EXTRAIRE L'ISSULINE L'annonce par l'OMS de la decouverte d'un nouveau ргосёЛё permettant de remedier a la penu-rie mondiale d'ineuline a suecite partout un tres vif interSt. L'in-suline, qui est extraite dee glandes pancreatiques dee animaux et dee poieeone^eet une hormone d'importanoe vitale dace 1'arsenal de la medecir.e moderne et principalement pour le traitement des diabetiquec. La nouvelJ.e methode, d6cou-verte par le L ’ Fr. Lindner, aux laboratoireB fc .o-chimiquee dee "Farbwerke Пбс iat" & Francfort-вих-le-Main, pormet de consorver •lee glandes pancreatiques dee animaux d'abattage sans exiger, coma»' par le рйЕгь, lour refric;6ration * tree baaee temperature (-.C° it -30?) Le procede Lindner :onsiste simplement a transformer les glandes pancreati-quee on un produit eui stable <,n lor. traitant avec un sol anhydre. Le materiel airisi deeeeche peut Strc etocke ot trai.spci-te por.dant pluoiturs jouiB ^ temperature normale sans perte (sui te p. 5 ) Autroa artleiea dons eu nun^ro i ... SESSION DU CONSEIL ЕХЕС0ПГ ... prooraim: dk bourses d*etude■; ... EWREAO SjJIITAIRE POOR L'«2IE ... CONFERENCES DE L'OMS VAC С IN ATICN AITH-TUEERCULEUSE AU "ВПП" Sous l'efcide do l’Organisa-tion fcondialo de la Sante et du Fonda International de Sccours 4 1 ’En-fonoc, mu grrende creisado de stnte' vi^nt dc азшпопоег sur deux continents e Pour la premier? foie dans l'hie-toire, la tuborculose, la pefeto blanche, comme on l'appelle, fait l'objct d'une attaque generale par ■une armeo internationale de doc-tcure, d'infirmieree et de technicians, appuyee par des epecialietes travaillant dane des laboratoiree do premier ordre, et financee par( un budget de quatre & cinq millions do dollars. La салраспе a deja commence en Tchecoslovaquio et en Yougoe-lavie, ainsi qu'en Polognu, en Hongrio, on Finlandc, et dans d'autros pays d'Europe La Chine ot 1'Inde en Ъёпё-ficient egalement, ot l'Afrique du Nord у participora sous puu. Lv but do oo programme eat do proteiLer lee onfants centre la tuberculoso en les v&ccinant au "BCG", De ir.6me que la diphtёrie et la petite verole cnt ete (suite p. 6) da rTW(S, >>rlir 'Jf. eoneultvr loa publloatlone toohnlqu .s do l’Orpml9--.tlc»i. Hoproduotlor. parti ille Л1 toti.l. autorle. j . |